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WORKSHOP #1 | Vampy Vixens - Flirt your way.

Location: Alma Studios (formerly connections) Level 1/103 Foveaux St, Surry Hills NSW 2010


Date: Friday 20th September 2024

Time: 6.30pm - 7.45pm

Cost: $50

Open level - No burlesque experience necessary to attend this class! Come as you are and let's dance darling. This is a low impact class meaning it's friendly on the joints.


Prop required: A long sleeve shirt/ robe/ wrap or something of that swishy nature.


A smouldering, seductive brand new workshop that focuses on commanding the stage, flirting with your audience & feeling yourself! During our lesson will explore stage techniques specifically crafted by Bettie for burlesque, how to capture the crowd using your face, and what it means to connect with you body. We're going to flirt them into a frenzy darling.


This class will be thick and juicy and oh so ghouly! You will walk away from this workshop with the confidence of Morticia and the power of Vampira.

Bettie will teach you a piece of burlesque choreography to perform at the end of class in groups. It's sexy, it’s powerful, it's so much fun.


What do you wear? 

Anything that makes you feel comfortable darlings! I want you to feel gorgeous, so wear whatever helps you feel that way. Is it lingerie? Is it active wear? It is a giant garbage bag? Whatever it is, wear it! 


Heels are optional in all my classes, bare feet is absolutely fine by me. 

Sydney #1 Vampy Vixens - Flirt your way | 6.30pm - 7.45pm

  • There are no refunds darlings. 

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